Gabion Transilvania SRL is a multidisciplinary team, with a combined gabions related development experience of more than 30 years between us

We have a diverse portfolio, and we always strive to meet and exceed out clients expectations

Building with natural and eco-friendly products has an overall lower impact on the environment, with a lower carbon footprint and increased recyclability.

We propose a more sustainable alternative to classic construction methods, like concrete structures. A safer, better looking way: gabions.

What We Offer

Gabions Walls

Gabions fencing and walls built from galvanized steel, filled with stone

Decorative Gabions Elements

Outside furniture and various gabions decorative structures

Gabions Wall Cladding

Wall cladding, a better way of improving the wall structure and aesthetics

Gabions Mattresses

A wide array of mattresses for anti water erosion, drainage and stabilization projects

Consolidation & Stabilization

Solutions for stabilizing inclined land, using heavy gabions structures

Galvanized Wire Products

We produce and sell a wide variety of galvanized steel mesh products, like double twist woven hexagonal wire mesh, welded steel wire mesh, gabions

Get in touch for a free quote!